About Amnon Rubinstein |
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Amnon Rubinstein, a journalist and a Law scholar, was born in Tel-Aviv in 1931. He studied economics, international relations and law at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, became a member of the Israel Bar in 1963 and received a Ph.D. in law from the London School of Economics in 1966. Prof. Rubinstein served as the Dean of the Law Faculty of the Interdisciplinary center (IDC) Herzliya (2002-2006) and as the President of the IDC (2006). Amnon Rubinstein is an Israel Prize Laureate for Law, 2006.
Prof. Rubinstein initiated and legislated the two basic laws that guarantee human rights in Israel.
Born 05/09/1931 in Tel Aviv Married, Two children Residence: Tel Aviv Israel Prize Laureate
Education B.A., Economics & International Relations, Hebrew University of Jerusalem LL.M., Hebrew University of Jerusalem Ph.D.,law , London School of Economics
Profession Professor of Law
Languages Hebrew, English, and partial French
Professor of law - The Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya
Political History in the Knesset Knesset Member 1977 -2001 Member of Knessets: 9 - Democratic Movement for Change; 9,10,11,12 - Shinui; 12,13,14,15 - Meretz; Functions in Ninth Knesset: Member, Foreign Affairs & Defense Committee; Functions in Tenth Knesset: Member, Economics Committee; Functions in Eleventh Knesset: Member, House Committee; Constitution, Law and Justice Committee; Functions in Twelfth Knesset: Member, House Committee; Constitution, Law and Justice Committee; Functions in Fourteenth Knesset: Chairman, Economics Committee Functions in Fifteenth Knesset: Chairman, The State Control Committee Chairman, Constitution, Law and Justice Committee
Roles in the Government 21st Government: Minister of Communication 1984-5 22nd Government: Until 26/5/1987, Minister of Communication 25th Government: Until 31/12/1992, Minister of Science and Technology 25th Government: Until 7/6/1993, Minister of Energy and Infrastructure 25th Government: From 30/5/1994, Minister of Education, Culture, and Sport 26th Government: Minister of Education, Culture, and Sport
Roles in Academy Dean, Tel-Aviv Law School , Tel Aviv University Provost, Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya President, Interdicilplinary Center
Public Activities Political Commentator, Haaretz ,Maariv, Globes, The Jerusalem Post - Israeli dailies Patron, Liberal International
Publications Books on Jurisprudence & Modern Jewish History such as - "Jurisdiction and Illegality", Clarendon Press Oxford - "Israel's Constitutional Law (Hebrew) 6th edition Schocken Books Tel Aviv 2005 - "The Zionist Dream Revisited" Schocken Books New York NY 1984 - "Israel: Le Reve et L'Histoire" Calmann-Levy' Paris 1978 -"From Herzel to Rabin; the (changing image of Zionizm)" Holmes and Meier New York NY 2000 - "Geschichte des Zionismus: Von Theodor Herzel bis Heute" ) (German) DTV (Munich) 2001 - "Israel and the Family of Nations" (With Alexander Yacobson) (Hebrew) Schocken Books Tel Aviv, 2003 - "Israel et les Nations" (With Alexander Yacobson) (French) Presses Universitares de France,Paris 2006 - "Israel and the Family of Nations - the Jewish Nation-State and Human Rights" Absence of Government: How to Mend Israel's Broken System (Kineret Zmora Bittan, 2012)
Six Novels (in Hebrew): - "The Blanket" -Schocken Books, Tel Aviv, 2005 - "Highway Number Five" - Schocken Books , Tel Aviv, 2006 - "The Sea above Us" - Schocken Books, Tel Aviv, 2007 - "Seperate Entrance" - Kineret Zmora Bitan Books, Tel Aviv, 2009 - "Forbbiden Loves" - Kineret Zmora Bitan Books, Tel Aviv, 2011 - "The Black Sun" - Kineret Zmora Bitan Books, Tel Aviv, 2012
Numerous Articles in the Israeli and International Press. Nattion-state and Human Rights - Routledge London 2009 |